Takataka Nima Education students graduated under the theme; KONITO`OA, HANA HA`AHOUANA ARE`ARE “Preserve, Protect and Promote Are`are” 

The 28th of November marks an important day and milestone for Are`are, witnessing the graduation of Takataka Nima Education that was hosted at Takataka Ecovillage Conservation center. The main theme during the graduation was “Konito’oa, hana ha`ahouana Are’are,” that translates as; “Preserve, Protect and Promote Are`are.”  

To witness the special event, Victor Tariwao, MPA East Are`are Ward 20, was invited as the guest of honor along with other guests from Mai Maasina green belt, MalaItolo, Are`are Council of Chief reps, Panel and House of Chiefs from Namoaraha, Arahanimane and Rokowara, cultural teachers, tribal leaders’, and others.  

A total of 24 students graduated after completion of 6 modules designed under the Takataka Nima Education. The course of the program started in May this year 2024. 

The coordinator of Takataka Nima Education, Andrew Taraha, in his speech expressed that “learning comes from remembering our past, by reflecting on the past, we can create a pathway for the future of Are`are’’.  Furthermore, he highlighted that the establishment of such platform as Takataka Nima Education was a vision of the Ma`asina Ruru post-era, in terms of safeguarding our sovereignty from Western influences. This was highlighted through the 9 pillars ministries. The continuous growth of conservation in Are`are over the past years and the setbacks of previous cultural schools’ setups in 1970s-1990s, pushed forward the concept of revitalization of cultural schools.  

The president of Namoaraha Council of Chief, Benedict Paurara, during his speech further affirms his confidence with the establishment of Cultural school initiated by visionary Are`are leaders along within the conservation perspective. He voiced support by reference to the basis of Are`are cosmology as revealed through ‘Warato`o’ and be protected as guiding principle of Are`are’s Identity.  

An invited guest and Cultural Teacher from Tawaimare Community High School, Mr. Silas Wa`etarau was also given an opportunity to share a few words during the day. He acknowledges the pursuit of engaging traditional knowledge to the young generation and nurturing them through an established platform such as the Takataka Nima Education. He proudly mentioned that this year, a total of 30 plus students are undertaking his cultural lessons at Tawaimare.  He concluded his final remarks by challenging the parents to start instructing their children on basic Are`are culture since it is missing in every home.  

The Chairperson of Mai Maasina Green belt Max Totorea, shares his excitement and strong determination of the implementation and brings attention to MMGBs three main pillars as a way forward concept for Are`are society. He reassured the graduating students to uphold what they have learned and carry on the obligations as citizens of Are`are.  

Speaking on behalf of the graduating students, Miss Tepenano, acknowledges the initiation of the Taka Nima Education and the commitment as shown through the various coordination and conducting the modules. She further mentioned that the learning space has truly nurtured each student in many ways, especially to uphold the Are`are tradition, decision making and most importantly engaging in life long practical skills. 

The guest speaker Hon Victor Tariwao, highlighted that Are`are traditional norms is gradually fading and having provided the platform at Takataka is a breakthrough and must be acknowledged as a way forward. He uttered that, in every civil society, cultural practices and behavior is particularly prominent hence an indicator of upholding good governance.  He recommended the importance of conservation and the interdependence as possessed by us (humans). He reassures everyone, especially parents, to uphold the cultural beliefs and traditions hence be a good role model to the younger generation.  

Guest of Honor Hon. Victor Tariwao presenting a certificate to one of the students. Photo: Michael S

The successful completion and positive feedback of the program has welcome continuous support as highlighted by Miss Winnifred the Program Manager of MalaItolo. Mai Maasina Green Belt also affirms its support towards the program and further expansion of the concept.  

Some of the highlights during the day include, students displaying drum beating, arts and crafts, reviewing compiled draft booklets, and receiving of certificates. 

For more information about Mai-Maasina Green Belt and its initiatives, visit https://mai-maasina.org/ or https://www.facebook.com/maimaasina  

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